5/15 how he/she played with their cards.
0/25 results of duel (10 pts 1 win, 20 pts 2-1, 25 pts 2-0)
5/5 attitude
10/15 ruling knowledge
5/20 control of duel
5/15 Deck construction
5/5 awareness
35/100 Total score
you did well in your duel were you lost the most points, is because you dint win a single duel, but its ok the academy is here to help you get better.
also you had no control over the duel you need to learn to keep control over your opponent learn that and you can win versus almost any deck
lastly you did know your cards but you had a little trouble understanding mine wich is normal since there new just make sure you pay attention to what your opponent is doing if your facing cards youve never delt with before
and remember good luck and have fun