What classifies a good yugioh deck? Is it only how much it wins? This article will help you improve your deck or decide to get a new deck so that it wins more often. the top 5 ways to tell if your deck is good is buy knowing how it does in the meta game, the ability to cover up you weaknesses, consistency, archetype support and originality of your deck. These keys will help you determine if your deck is good enough to be competitive.
1. How the deck does in the meta game: this is an important factor in how to judge if you have a good yugioh deck. the reason why is that run dragunities for example and people are running removal of the graveyard or effect veiler, the deck won't do very well in the current meta. Knowing what people might be running and what those decks can do can help greatly. looking up the meta decks and their weaknesses might help you in deciding if your deck will do good against other decks. If your deck loses to most of the meta decks but beats a certain type of deck, try to avoid it because you never fully know what your opponents are going to run.
2. Ability to cover up weaknesses: This is important because if you deck has a major weakness like infernities with shadow imprisoning mirror, people might run it to counter specific threats. this applies especially for top tier archetypes like dark worlds, e-hero's, fairy decks, wind-ups, infernities, etc.. There is no perfect deck meaning that every deck has a weak point. knowing the weakness of your deck and the ability to work around it will help.
3. Consistency: This relates to how often your able to pull of your combos including how often you are able to win. if your deck lacks draw power such as some random decks, your deck might be a bit inconsistent. Fortunately there are ways to improve the consistency of your deck. the two ways to improve that is drawing power and the ability to search. Don't get carried away and put too much power into your deck. This will make you draw through your entire deck too soon and can drain your hand out sometimes. Another way to get what u need is by getting cards into your grave and using it to your advantage, some decks that do that are lightsworn, chaos dragons, dragunities and many other decks. Knowing your deck is consistency will help you greatly in pulling off your combos before your opponent can set up his/her win condition.
4. Archetype support: Support cards are cards that will help you pull of your combos or cover up weaknesses of your deck. If your deck has no support cards or ways to help make your engine better, you're deck lacks support cards, i suggest you look further to a different archetypes because your deck will not have any sort of strategy. Support cards for your archetype are mandatory because they help you make your strategy work. Without cards like those your deck will either be inconsistent, or lack any sort of a focus. For example: chaos dragons benefit with cards like plaugespreader zombie, card trooper, and cards that mill like lightsworns. sometimes cards from different archetypes can also help like light ray monsters w/ lightsworns. Sometimes a using more than one archetype can benefit your deck and make it better than average.
5. Originality: Being original and creative with your deck can help you in a positive way. This is due to the fact that you created the deck and made it your own will make you better than playing it than anyone else. This makes it so nobody knows how to use your deck better than you and this applies to everyone else who is creative with their decks. If you just copy and paste your deck and steal someones idea card per card, you won't do as well as if you put cards in to support you playing style. you don't want to run what everybody runs, you want to have a deck that beats what everybody runs.
These are, in my opinion, the top 5 ways to tell if your deck is good. If you are lacking any of these, you should try to get expert advise on how to improve your deck in a certain way. Knowing how to tell if it is a good deck and what makes it a bad deck will give you a better understanding of what your deck heeds work on. You can't tel if your deck is good by playing with it against opponent but it is not entirely accurate. You need to duel at least 20-30 times before you can say if it's a good deck however; if you look at these top ways to tell if your deck is good, you can understand what your deck needs in half the time.
Assignment for students: Make another factor that you think should be on this list. explain why it is important. Write 3-5 sentences on it.
p.s. this was made be paulo64.