FunnyKarma76 vs Hellbreed
Frog Turbo 2-0 Blue-Eyes
8/15 how he/she played with their cards.
0/25 results of duel (10 pts 1 win, 20 pts 2-1, 25 pts 2-0)
5/5 attitude
15/15 ruling knowledge
5/20 control of duel
8/15 Deck construction
3/5 awareness
44/100 Total score (Slifer Red)
Notes: I synchro summoned using 2 tuners and no non-tuner monsters i also normal summoned twice in 1 turn, you only caught me on the debris normal summon. Your deck had some cards that were not the best cards, instead of using traps that destroy monsters with the lowest DEF or highest ATK, etc. use cards such as "Dimensional Prison", "Mirror Force", "Torrential Tribute". These traps are very good but i like the idea of your deck. If you want you can post a pic of your deck in the "Deck Help" sections and people can give you advice.
0-45 Slifer red
46-75 Ra yellow
76-100 Obelisk blue